The moviES

Directed by: Quentin Boehm
Written by: Ashley Parsons & Quentin Boëhm
Produced by: En Selle, Ushuaia TV, EKLA Production
Synospsis: In 2024, Ashley and Quentin have set themselves the mission of bringing their three Kyrgyz horses back home to Saint-Gervais-les-Bains. At the slow pace of their horseback journey across Europe, this unique team of adventurers will help us discover an ancestral way of exploring the mountains, connecting us more closely to nature and local traditions.​​​
On French channel Ushuaia TV:
Tuesday 28th of January, 20:50
Thursday 30th of January, 17:05
Wednesday 5th of February, 00:00
Tuesday 11th of February, 12:40
Thursday 20th of February, 07:40
Screening in Festivals in 2025:
17 January, French Premiere, Saint-Gervais-Les-Bains, France
18 January, Swiss Premiere, Festival Demain L'Aventure, Châtel-Saint-Denis, Switzerland
10 February, Film and Concert Alpine Folk, Zuoz, Switzerland
23 March, Festival Rendez-vous de l'Aventure, Lons-le-Saunier, France : Billletterie
25 March, Projection et apéro, Paris, France : Billetterie
29-30 March, Festival Les Clefs de l'Aventure, Grenoble, France : Billetterie
5 April, Festival Les Quais du Départ, Brignais (Lyon), France : Billetterie
20-24 May, Festival Retours du Monde, Pont du Fossé, France (Echange en visio)
23 & 30 May, Festival du Film d'Aventure de la Réunion, France
24-27 July, Festival Roc Castel, Le Caylar, France
27 July, Festival Grandeur Nature, Ventoux, France
En Selle: The Kyrgyz Ride (PART 1, 2021)

Directed by: Quentin Boehm
Written by: Ashley Parsons & Quentin Boehm
​Winner Best First Film - Autrans International Festival - Mountain, Cinema & Culture (2023)
Synospsis: Fascinated by the mysteries of the Silk Road, Ashley and Quentin set off for Kyrgyzstan with a dream: to gallop across the mythical steppes and the celestial mountains of Central Asia. Accompanied by three Kyrgyz stallions—Fidel, Tian, and Chai—they embark on this incredible adventure, journeying all the way to Karakol in the far east of the country.​